With the opening of a mysterious silver door, a catastrophe known as the Starfall has torn this world apart. Human civilization has collapsed, and Stardust has contaminated the landscape, creating all kinds of strange and horrific new phenomena. For 30 years, the last remaining humans have been fighting for their very survival. Until, one day... You wake up.
Your mission: Gather the resources you need for survival, and fight back against this deadly infestation. Heal the Stardust-infested land inch by inch, and claim sites of human civilization back from the monsters! The natural world has become a harsh and unforgiving wasteland, polluted by Stardust, and crawling with Deviant monsters and other dangerous creatures. We, the last of humanity, must rise up against these evil beings, and recover our homeland! For 30 years, we’ve been easy prey for these Deviants, but now, Meta, we have you... It's time for you to become a hunter.
What is the truth behind this catastrophe? And is the ultimate cure hidden deep inside the mysterious and impenetrable Rosetta base? No one person can solve these mysteries alone. You will need to band together, unite all those who share your ideals, and delve deep. Together, we can unlock the deepest secrets of this universe.
Noah Stevenson is an immigration officer on a future Earth. His job is to investigate passengers entering Earth and decide whether they are human. While most aliens can enter Earth legally, some alien species are not welcome. Unwanted aliens may choose to trick the immigration authorities and impersonate humans. These aliens must be detected and arrested. However, things are more challenging than they seem.
There are several interrogation methods available to Noah to carry out his work. Some encounters can be scary, some can be funny, and sometimes can feel tedious, but Noah needs this job to make enough money to reunite with his sister, who resides in one of the human colonies in space.
Will Noah choose to do his job, get the money, and leave Earth? Or maybe he has other plans?
Human or Not is a puzzle simulation game that puts the player in the shoes of an immigration officer and allows them to decide who can enter Earth. Between shifts, the player meets different characters and makes decisions about Noah's life.
- Interrogate passengers in your high-tech booth. A glass barrier is included.
- Press the HUMAN or the ALIEN button for every passenger you inspect.
- Use different inspection methods as they become available.
- Speak with different NPCs, including your sister.
- Earn cash.
- Choices are meaningful!
- Endings are multiple.
- Riding the tram is free, and space flights are not.